Angelo Rules Wiki

“I'm working on something”-Butter Fingers.

Butterfingers is one of Angelo's friends and classmates.


Butter Fingers or sometimes spelt Butterfingers is one of Angelo's friends and class-mates.

He is an underachiever in volleyball, skateboarding and other sports. Butter Fingers isn't good with P.E. class either. Butter Fingers seems not to be able to do anything right, even running properly at times, always missing the point or goal, thus earning his name, Butter Fingers. He also has a big brother, named Hunter who is Elena's boyfriend. He has a crush on Monica, and sometimes Lola.


Throughout the series, Butter Fingers usually seems to rely on Angelo's plans to bail him out of PE class, due to his under achievements in sports. Angelo helps him only through the pleasure of getting VIP passes or free entries to Adventure Park Land and its thrills, due to the fact Butter Fingers' dad owns Adventure Park Land.


His head is long and he wears a blue sweatshirt. His pants is a dark magenta color and he wears brown shoes.



  • Ethan - Butter Fingers' best friend.


  • "I'm working on something" - Butterfingers.


  • Butter Fingers' last name is, possibly, "Fingers". In the episode "Working Hard", Angelo refers to Butter Fingers' father as "Mr. Fingers".
    • Butter Fingers' name may be based off of the Butterfinger, an American peanut butter-flavored chocolate bar. However as his name suggests his name is play on the term "Butter Fingers" which usually refers to someone whom is clumsy or to someone who slips up on a lot of things. This can be highly supported by Butter Fingers frequent fowl ups and unfortunate hazards seen in the episodes.
  • Coincidently his hairstyle resembles somewhat that of Vegeta's from the Dragon Ball franchise, one resemblance is their hair design is uniquely upward and spiky. Oddly enough, Butter Fingers looks somewhat similar to a Super Saiyan, a transformation of the Saiyans. Both his appearance and that of the Super Saiyan transformation share golden blond-hair and blue or turquoise colored eyes respectively.
  • On Cartoon Network Arabic, his name is said to be Leen on some episodes.
  • His name is actually Glenn in English. He claims it to be his name in "Door to Door to Door".

